The 6 Do’s and Dont’s of Trade Show Staff Etiquette



Be mindful of appearance and hygiene

As much as we like it or not, people do judge a book by its cover. You want your booth staff to be presentable as appearance will affect your company’s brand image.

Eating in the booth

It makes you look like you want to eat more than you want to talk to attendees.

Look approachable and friendly

A warm and inviting smile will set the first impression with attendees. Plus, it also makes you look approachable and friendly.

Using your phone for non-work related purpose

Attendees will walk past your booth eventhough they might be interested because they see that you are busy on your phone.

Adhere to a dress code or company branded apparel

Having a dress code not only makes your company look professional, it also allows attendees to easily identify your booth staff when they need someone to talk to.

Ignoring attendees

Don’t let appearances fool you. Even if the attendee might not look like the right prospect, a simple acknowledgement will go a long way.

Be enthusiastic

Positivity and energy attract attendees. No one likes to do business with a negative nelly.

Hanging with the gang

Have you ever tried starting a conversation with a group of strangers talking to each other?

That is similar to booth staff talking with other booth staff. It is nerve-wracking to the attendees and gives them a huge reason to proceed to the next booth.

Good body language such as good posture and hand positioning

Who would you prefer to talk to?

Body language plays a big role in trade shows.


Sitting shows the attendees that you aren’t interested in a conversation. Avoid giving them a reason to pass your booth.

Talk less, listen more

According to an analysis of over 500,000 calls by, they found that the highest performing sales reps talk less than the worst performing reps and they listen more than the worst performing sales reps.

Keep pitching, pitching and pitching

No one likes someone who keeps talking about themselves.Secondly, most attendees are busy and have other booths to attend to. A long-winded pitch might actually result in a negative outcome.

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